Freitag, Juli 20

Marathona dles Dolomites

Hier mein Erfahrungsbericht vom Dolomiten Radmarathon. Ich hatte vorgestern ein AC bei der LH wo man sich u.a. auf kreative Weise selbst vorstellen musste, ohne Dinge aus dem CV preiszugeben- da hab ich, weil mir nix bessees eingefallen ist, die Story so in etwa erzählt ... lesefaulen Menschen empfehle ich gleich auf das Fotoalbum zu klicken.
Fotoalbum Marathona dles Dolomites

[...] However, last year a friend of mine brought up the idea, that I should participate in a race which is called Marathona dles Dolomites. It's a 140 km ride, crossing 7 alpine passes and a total of over 4100 meters of altitude difference. [...] This seemed to be hardly doable, recognizing that a the hardest Tour de France stages have round about 5000 meters of altitude on 200 km lenght. [...] Two weeks ago finally it was time to get it started. With a crowd of 12 people went to Covara, a little town in the Dolomites which is known for great skiing resorts during winter time. As start was at 6:00 in the morning we got up and 4:15 to eat two entire dishes of pasta. Even though I love pasta- this was quite disgusting. People who did not participate in the race so far have to start from the back of the peleton, which for myself was Position 7227 of 8500. Fortunately two guys of our group, who are cycling amateur races and therewith are way better than I am, did also never compete so far. Hence at the start they gave me some advice how to get along in the crowd of cyclists and some more tricks. To avoid from the cold we put over some large trash bags and rolled to the start. In Italy the entire thing is kind of a big event. Professionals are starting at front, and the television is broadcasting over 5 hours live this day. The point is: I was so fascinated by the surrounding, all the people, and my own form (which was quite good compared to my usual one) that after the start I was able to follow my colleagues over the first pass, which means that in the end I overtook over 3000 people within the first 1,5 hours of the race. However, I realized that this starting tempo was way over the speed I should go 3 passes later when some 60 year old guys were passing me by. Looking back I can say that i did nearly all mistakes a newbie can do, by starting to fast, eating the false things, drinking to less and wanting to much. I finished at 6:45 hours on position 1444. I never tortured myself like this before and even though I was not really able to walk straight fort he next two days I think that I will be there again next year. [...]